Thursday, April 17, 2014


The author brought up a very interesting idea about simulation in this article. What impressed me most is the part about " SIMULATIONS IN COMPETITION". He described that a range of outcomes from one computer simulation can be used to give context to individual results; similarly, a range of simulations are used to validate one another. I believe the interaction process of simulation is its most powerful aspect of the design software.

The author also described the simulation as a generalist medium. So, that raised a question in my mind, who is the controller of the design process. At this moment, there is no doubt that architects are the controller. But with the increasing power of simulation, can it defeat or substitute most architects in the near future?

As far as I can see, the most difficult part of simulation is the number of variable and the relationship these variables have on each other. So, I believe before the simulation, designers need to have a clear concept or strategy in mind. Once the idea is clear, we can turn the disadvantage into advantage. The simulation process will give us a large number of different options and can increase our choices significantly.

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