Sunday, April 20, 2014


 The Smart Surface

The final project is based on one of my favorite part of Digital Project: smart powercopies.
1.Change Color and Shape Randomly

2.Control the Portion of Black Cells

3.Wave the Surface-imitate the breathing process 

4.Control the Framework


Individual Cells

Smart Powercopies:

The height of each individual cell is a random number from the excel.

The color of each cell is changed based on the measurement of its area.

The Inspiration of this Design

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Just like the "Butterfly Effect", a small fluctuation may become self amplifying and bring about a new order.

one of the main themes cutting through this book is the gradual emergence of ‘machine intelligence’. Its prehistory is seen in the way that armies began to turn humans into automata that functioned as part of a larger, mechanical engine of destruction. Its present and near-future is seen in the militaristic desire to remove humans from the command-and-control loop entirely, with the development of intelligent weapons that—potentially—will be able to independently track down and kill humans without human intervention.

 De Landa's proposed opposition to the trend towards destructive machine-domination involves exploiting crucial contradictions within this trend (such as the need for decentralised control in the technologies that centralised control systems are developing) and the fostering of more intelligent human-machine interfaces to create a higher symbiosis between us and computers, instead of a blind transfer of power.


In the beginning of this article, the author gives us this idea: design is not like algorithmic that always determined to find a path through A and B; designers must also be able to solve the discrete solvable problems, such as aesthetic, planning , constructions considerations, etc.

Even though there exists huge differences between the concept of algorithmic and architecture. In fact, the true power of algorithms is its translational characteristics. So, it is really brilliant to form and create the combination of human wisdom and computer.Algorithms can serve as the means to explore "beyond , in parallel , or in lieu of traditional established ways of thinking." Algorithm can define the logical values of visual compositions.

Computer keeps changing its role in design from the beginning to the present.Whether to substitute, assist the designers, or as today's most popular computer influences on modeling and drafting. We are definitely in an age of digital design. The future of design computation should be quite productive and promising.


This article is focused on comparing the differences between these three terms: models, prototypes and archetypes in our contemporary era. We are in the time when digital design and fabrication play the increasingly large proportion in the design process. Mary Burry speaks highly of the digital fabrication which can expand the realm of industry and imagination in the long run, just like steam machine and printing. Burry gives us an example of Gaudi's Sagrada Familia Church, by which he showed us the dilemma of model versus prototype. Burry tends to believe that models are constructed to test the construction or appearance of building, on the other hand, prototype are created with the purpose of creating better design ideas. He also believes the probability of models to develop into the prototype.

As far as I can see, we are very living in the time of digital design. Compared to Gaudi, we can consider using the second order geometrical surfaces in ways that Gaudi could never imagine in his wildest dreams. We are able to focus on design itself and creating more complicated geometries. In a word, it is a time of  great freedom for designers.

Friday, April 18, 2014


Spuybroek expressed his disagreement with both handcrafts and machine production. In his mind, the good design must have the characteristics of continuity and variation at the same time. Even though hand crafts can generate differences throughout the process, it lacks its inherent connections. On the other hand, even though the industrial machine productions are continuous, it lacks the variation. In Spuybroek’s mind, the digital computing is a great way to connect these two aspects together, ”the variation of handicraft would become part of the mechanical abstraction - which makes a good definition of digital computing . 

Spuybroek has a strong belief in the cultural effects of new technologies. He claim that, soon it will be possible to have completely unique parts in a built structure for a price that before would only be possible through huge amounts of repetition - a variable prefab, or as it is called in production terms, mass customization. We are dissolving the opposition between elitist handwork and machined parts, between emotionality and high-tech, between Art Nouveau and Bauhaus. I have high expectations on this design methods, I am sure it will create a totally new and amazing world in the near future.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


The author brought up a very interesting idea about simulation in this article. What impressed me most is the part about " SIMULATIONS IN COMPETITION". He described that a range of outcomes from one computer simulation can be used to give context to individual results; similarly, a range of simulations are used to validate one another. I believe the interaction process of simulation is its most powerful aspect of the design software.

The author also described the simulation as a generalist medium. So, that raised a question in my mind, who is the controller of the design process. At this moment, there is no doubt that architects are the controller. But with the increasing power of simulation, can it defeat or substitute most architects in the near future?

As far as I can see, the most difficult part of simulation is the number of variable and the relationship these variables have on each other. So, I believe before the simulation, designers need to have a clear concept or strategy in mind. Once the idea is clear, we can turn the disadvantage into advantage. The simulation process will give us a large number of different options and can increase our choices significantly.


In this article, the author showed us this idea, with the development of Computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing, the boundary between architects, engineers and builders are increasingly blurred. In order to do better design, architects need the knowledge of manufacture. The requirements of the cutting-edge software are also becoming higher and higher. Even though I do agree with to be familiar with fabrication methods is important to architects who want to involve in complicated projects, but I can hardly follow that is the most essential characteristic of architects. The most brilliant and wisdom architects can be outstanding in many ways, like culture, history, society; it is definetely not constrained to handwork.

On the other hand, I strongly agree with the author's idea, "collaborative between architects, engineers, fabricators and contractors must be encouraged and beginning in school." As a saying goes, a good start is half success. By cultivating this mode of thinking from the beginning, architects can benefit a lot in their future career and design.